Belgium Flag

Embassy of Belgium in Manila

Manila flag

Embassy of Belgium in Manila - Philippines. On this webpage you will find contact and address details of the Foreign Embassy of Belgium in Manila. Information on consular services of the Embassy of Belgium in Philippines. When there is no Embassy of Belgium in Manila you can contact an Embassy in a neighboring country.

Embassy of Belgium in Manila


Belgian Embassy in Manila, the Philippines - Multinational Bancorporation Center 9th floor - 6805 Ayala Avenue - Makati City - Manila - Philippines

Telephone Number:

(+63) 2 88451869

Fax Number:




PARYS Michel - Ambassador

Office Hours:

Please check official website



Manila Philippines

The capital city of the Philippines draws many foreign and local visitors.

But also an increasing number of Philippine citizens are travelling abroad to foreign countries for tourism or business purposes.

To be able to service these people regarding consular matters many foreign countries have established diplomatic missions in Manila such as Embassies and consulates.

The duty of foreign embassies is, among others, to service local and foreign citizens with consular matters such as document legalizations, visas and passports.

The ambassador of the Belgium embassy in Manila is the highest official and acting as the chief diplomat and spokesperson for the government of Belgium.

Various sections of a typical Embassy in Manila

Visa and passport section:

- Handle visa applications and passport applications and renewals.

Consular section:

- Document legalizations with regard to marriages between a Philippine citizen and a foreigner, births and deaths.

Trade section:

 - Organizing international trade missions and assisting with international trade matters between foreign companies and local Philppine companies.

Political section:

 - Dealing with international and local political matters.